Because everybody wants to know that they are loved...| Children's and Family Photographer, Loughborough

I’ve been doing a lot of thinking this week. I’ve been thinking about “why” - why have I decided that outdoor family portraits are what I want to photograph?

It’s simple really. It’s because as parents I believe that we all have the same goal. We all want our children to grow up with happy childhood memories and the knowledge that they were the centre of our world.

This is Arlo. I hope that one day he will look back at these photos and see just how special he is and what a happy, carefree little boy he was who is loved very much by his mummy and daddy.

Arlo was my first little explorer and he absolutely loved his session - once he’d swapped his wet socks and jeans for dry ones he got well and truly stuck in and didn’t even notice that he’d gotten wet again!

These shoots are such a great way of capturing those funny little quirks and expressions that are so easily forgotten as they grow.

Capture your little one’s memories now - please contact me for more information.