Autumn, and why it's my favourite time of year! | Children's and family portrait photographer, Loughborough

Bluebell Arboretum, Smisby

I always get mega excited about this time of year, and it’s not just for the family Photo Shoots (although the golden light and warm colours do make them extra special).

No. It’s that there is so much going on that really connects us to our friends and family. Firstly, we have Halloween, with the promise of dressing up, naughty treats and scaring ourselves silly.

Shortly followed by Bonfire night with it’s colourful displays, woolly hats and warming hands by the fire. And then, my favourite part of all, the Loughborough fair, boasting smells of hotdogs, loud music and squeals of laughter. These events all count us down nicely to Christmas which gives me that warm fuzzy feeling.

Not to mention evenings in front of the TV (we have finally caught up with the rest of the world and are binge watching Game of Thrones), sitting in my pjs with a glass of red wine (not every night!) and a slab of Cadburys.

And then for me there are the changes in nature that I get ridiculously excited about - I love being woken by the Canada Geese flying over our house chattering away, the colours of the landscape as the leaves turn - have you ever seen the bracken at Bradgate Park at this time of year? and if you’re ever lucky enough to witness it framing one of the resident stags then you are very lucky indeed … there as the sun sets? Mind blowing.

It took an hour to walk the mile home from school last week. It had been a sunny day and the children stopped at every single blackberry bush to stuff their mouths full. They tasted heavenly, so sweet and juicy. We arrived home with full tummies, purple faces and grinning from ear to ear.

That, is why Autumn is my favourite time of year.

Beacon Hill