Little Explorer Sessions | children's and Family Photographer, Loughborough
These sessions are all about getting stuck in and having fun!
During our hour together your child will be free just to play and explore their surroundings. Looking for sticks, blowing dandelion clocks or paddling in the stream - they are free to do whatever they want. It is at times like this that their personalities and little quirks come to the fore.
This is my 4 year old, she loves to collect bits of nature and pop them in her pocket, quite irritating when you forget and hear a stone banging around the washing machine on a spin cycle. But it’s these little details that are oh, so easily forgotten.
Sure, we have pictures of our children from nursery or that we’ve taken on our phone - but they capture the changes in their height, their face, their hair. These sessions are all about their personalities. The way their face lights up when they see a squirrel, or the concentration when they are lifting rocks looking for bugs or even the way they run; things that will be forgotten by us over time.
I wanted to offer something that was just for the little ones - no telling them to pose, no shouting cheese, just lots of fun and laughter.
Your role will be to provide snacks and drinks and to enjoy watching your little one explore as they look for sticks, climb rocks and paddle in the stream - and maybe to provide a supportive hand if required.
Yes, Ellie did start the day with clean hands and it is likely that your child will get dirty - but that’s half the fun, right?
Sessions are available during the week and cost £25. Following the shoot I will edit the best images (min 25) and then you will be able to choose from a selection of digital collections - 3 for £75, 10 for £145 or all of them for £295.
These photographs will look great as a montage above your sofa or going up the stairs and they make perfect gifts for family too.
Sessions are available immediately, just send me an enquiry and I’ll do the rest.
Julie xx