Lily's little Explorer Session | Family Photographer, Leicestershire

I met Lily’s mum at a networking group last Summer and we instantly hit it off. Jen is the editor and designer at Fuzzy Flamingo and is a huge animal lover like me, her favourite creature being the sea cucumber, random, huh?.

Well, the family loves to hang out at Bradgate Park so we decided to have Lily’s Little Explorer Session there. These are a new style of shoot that I offer which are all about your little one. They last approximately an hour and are very relaxed. Your child gets to have a good explore with their little quirks being captured along the way.

Lily really wasn’t keen on stomping through the bracken but instead, preferred to join in with the school trip that appeared whilst we were taking a break for cake! She was so funny, she had several 6 year old boys all happily entertaining her and got quite upset when it was time for them to go. She had also spotted someone in the cafe that she liked the look of and spent a number of minutes with her face pressed up against the window - such a character!! Her next task was to give each of the 20 wooden posts a hug, this had to happen before we could leave. She really did make me chuckle.

Little Explorer Sessions take place during the week, at one of our wonderful local beauty spots. They are aimed at preschoolers who are walking confidently. Please contact me for further information and my price list - the session fee is £25 and collections are available from just £75.